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Southeast Arlington Little League

Southeast Arlington Little League

Southeast Arlington Little League (SEALL) is a a chartered non-profit under the sanction of Little League International. SEALL offers 2 seasonal programs per year, Spring season and Fall. We do not however, offer a Summer or Winter league at this time. 

During the spring we offer the following programs and divisions:
  • Softball - Coach Pitch for girls ages 6-8 
  • Softball - Minors for girls ages 8-10
  • Softball - Majors for girls ages 10-12
  • We do not offer any softball programs for girls ages 13 and older due to the low number of participants
  • Baseball - Teeball for boys and girls ages 3-4
  • Baseball - Coach Pitch 1 for boys and girls ages 5-6
  • Baseball - Coach Pitch 2 for boys and girls ages 7-8
  • Baseball - Minors for boys and girls age 9-10
  • Baseball - Majors for boys and girls ages 11-12
  • Baseball - Juniors for boys and girls ages 13-14
  • Baseball - Seniors for boys and girls ages 15-16
  • We do not offer any baseball divisions for boys or girls over the age of 16
How do we determine you childs age? Little League Int uses the age date cutoff of September 1st for baseball and January 1st for softball.
Your childs league age for BOTH Spring and Fall will be their age on the dates mentioned above. 

We understand that we have players of all skill and experience level wanting to play the greatest game. That noted, we DO NOT allow players to "play down" in age. For example, though it may be your 10 year old's first time to ever play, we cannot allow them to play coach pitch. Similarly, the same rule applies to all age groups. We DO however, allows experienced/advanced players to play up 1 division after they have been evaluated and approved by the player agent.

Create an account here on this website. It is hosted by Sports Connect and you may possibly have an account already due to you registering for other sports programs using the same platform, this will make things easier. If no account, no problem, just add the adults to the account first, then the players.

The software will automatically present you with the available programs for your childs age and gender. If you feel is it not showing the age appropriate program, please refer to the Little League age chart or click here. DO NOT under and circumstances change your childs birthday. You will be required to upload a photo of the players birth certificate prior to completing the registration. 

Your registration includes:
  • Teeball and Coach Pitch 1 - 10 game season, practices 1  per week, team hat, team jersey
  • Coach Pitch 2 and above - 12 game season, end of season playoffs, team hat, team jersey
  • For all divisions and programs you will receive a swing card from DBAT and discounts on membership, camps, clinics and merchandise
The most common question we get each season is when are practices and games? 
  • Games are played 2 times per week. 1 weekday game and 1 Saturday game. Weekday games are played on Mondays or Thursdays in the spring and Tuesdays or Thursdays in the fall.
  • Practices are entirely up to the coaches. Once selected to a team, your coach will generally poll the parents and determine the best days and times for practices. These will usually be on a week day and in the evening between 5:30-8:00
  • For divisions ages 3-12 all games are played at our home field Cravens Park. 13-16 will travel up to 50% of their games to our neighboring Little Leagues in Tarrant County
  • Teeball/Coach Pitch 1 - Players are randomly assigned to teams. We generally try to group players of the same schools together first, then by geographic location. We try to balance the ages so that the age splits are even. These division will honor coach requests.
  • Coach Pitch 2 - Players are invited to attend "Evaluations" where we will have a light practice to asses their skill level before being placed on a team. This division will honor coach requests.
  • Minors/Majors/Juniors/Seniors - Players that are new to SEALL or do not wish to return to their previous team are invited to attend "Evaluations" where we will have a light practice to asses their skill level before being placed on a team. This division DOES NOT HONOR COACH REQUESTS. You must enter the draft if not returning to a team.
  • Players that played consecutive seasons may return to their prior Spring or Fall team provided their coach returns to coach as well.
  • If you choose to NOT return to your previous team, you may not request a coach, you must enter the draft
  • We try very hard to maintain parody in each division in order to provide a great experience for all
  • Each year Little League puts on the Little League World Series International Tournament. SEALL willfully participates in this tournament, also known as All Stars. This tournament starts in June with the World Series played in late August.
  • During the Spring (not fall), coaches, umpires and volunteers are actively looking and scouting the top talented and skilled players in CP1-Seniors. The players are then invited to try out for 1 of our age specific all star teams. This is not an open tryout as coaches spent the entire season identifying the best players to narrow the pool early.
  • If selected to an All Star team, and additional registration fee is required. 
  • Players must meet our in boundary residence or school requirements to be selected. Players must be able to furnish an original copy of their birth certificate.
  • Teams will play 3 or more tournaments to include the international tournament
  • Teams are selected by coaches and player agents
  • Coaches are selected not by win loss record during the season, but ability to take players to the next level, manage a game to success, maintain composure, have a very deep knowledge of the rules, and exemplify high character traits while showing they're a role model for our children.


Southeast Arlington Little League
PO Box 181901 
Arlington, Texas 76096

Phone: 817-703-6800
Email: [email protected]

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